Why Are Relationships So Hard?

parenting self awareness May 05, 2021

Relationships, for better or worse, can be our best teachers.

If we are willing to be vulnerable and get curious we can learn so much. I have found myself countless times looking at the other person I am in relationship with (romantically, platonically, professionally) and easily identified their shortcomings, allowing myself to escape any responsibility and DENYING myself the chance to grow. 

This strategy was adaptive. I was insecure, didn’t know myself. Didn’t know how to love myself.  So I relied heavily on external validation, and it was never enough. It would never be enough, sadly a lesson it took me 40 years to learn. 

As children, we build our sense of self in relation to our world, our caregivers. Let’s just say I didn’t get what I needed to develop a strong self concept. 


That doesn’t mean it’s a lost cause though. 


I had to slow down, so I could observe my own patterns. See where the struggles were. 

I had to reduce my overall stress load so I could have the emotional bandwidth to tackle this beast of learning to love myself, which required letting my shame and insecurities bubble to the surface so I could transform them into my superpower of confident vulnerability.  

Here are some questions that guide my curiosity (I personally will reflect, meditate, or journal around these): 

  • What is this stirring up in me?

  • What is the lesson here for me to learn?

  • How can I see this situation/ person more compassionately?

  • What is the best resolution I can hope for? 

  • What do I need in this moment? 

And when I am blinded by my own emotion, I call a friend (or therapist) whose insight I trust and can talk it through with.

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