I Didn’t Meet My Goal: Now What?

goal setting Jan 18, 2022

Being new to business, let me tell you: I have not met MANY goals. Why? Because it’s all fairly new. There is a lot of context missing for me, so many times I am just setting goals to give me a direction to move in. Managing stress or any other goal you set for yourself can often be that way. Your goal is like a map: it gives you a direction to move towards. Sometimes you arrive at your destination, and sometimes you take a detour. 

Yet having said all that, I know that it is easy to feel like you failed. To be frustrated. Maybe you want to give up. Been there before, friend. 

What I have learned though is that some goals are a process (very LONG ones…). And while I may not meet every goal I set, I learn from every goal I set. As annoying as it can be, the unmet goals are usually my best teachers. 

Not only do I uncover skills that need to be developed and opportunities for growth, but these are the moments where I get to build out my capacity to do hard things, and the same is true for you.

So start somewhere. Just set the damn goal.

Then start doing. Along the way, you will have to make decisions regarding what is challenging and what is overwhelming, and there may be days where that is very unclear. On those days, do your best to increase self-care (get yourself regulated) and then take a second look at your plan and the challenges before you. 

For me, that usually involves getting quiet and curious. Going for a walk (in nature is my fave), meditating, and/or journaling typically help. 

The more you are able to keep moving forward, even if your goal changes completely, you will feel accomplished and hopeful.


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