How to get systematic about stress

self awareness stress management Feb 21, 2023

I have lost count of the number of people who have been blown away when I teach them how to use the stress thermometer. On the surface it seems so simple, but it is packed full of information. 

Remember: Stress is a generic term for when our stress response system is activated. Stress responses can look like irritability, frustration, anxiety, depression, and trauma. 

This activity helps people learn to objectively measure their feelings, which are subjective by nature. And you have to be AWARE of how intense your stress is (or whatever you call it, could be anxiety, overwhelm, etc.) in order to EFFECTIVELY reduce it. After all, what you need when you are at a 10 (most intense) is much different than what you need at a 2 (low intensity). 

For example: When I am at a 10, I need vigorous physical activity. When I am at a 2, a seated meditation will do the trick. 

Scaling your emotions will also help you understand the impact of your resources (i.e. coping skills)

  • When I talk to ______ person, it actually increases my stress.
  • When I go for a walk, it helps lower my stress. 

AND like many people, in high stress states you will need SEVERAL tools or multiple rounds of the same activity to FULLY reduce stress.

Equally important, with this rating system, you can begin to understand when you are in optimal states, and when you are not. Low stress, when you are calm is great for creativity and innovation, alert states are great for performance. During calm and alert states, it’s okay to take on more. 

When we are in moderate to high stress states, we want to reduce demands until we are back in the low stress state. Why? Because as stress increases in intensity, WE ALL become more reactive and impulsive and less rational. Performance decreases as the ability to focus, organize and plan decreases. 

This is just one of the activities we use in 21 Days to Less Stress, helping people get systematic about regulating stress. 

Rather than being at the mercy of your emotions, or rigid in managing your stress,
you are able to develop a STRESS STRATEGY that works for YOU based on the intimate understanding of how your stress manifests and what you need to reduce it. With this framework, you can weave in whatever tools you like. The tools can change over time, but the framework will be the constant.

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