Family or group goal setting

goal setting parenting relationships Jan 10, 2023

A couple years ago I decided that the boys and I were going to learn to ride skateboards. So for Christmas I bought us all skateboards in preparation for this new endeavor. 


There were so many benefits to us developing a shared family goal (you can do this with any group). 

  • I was able to explicitly teach them about goal setting (get our goal setting workbook here.
  • I wanted to ensure I was giving the boys tools to help introduce age appropriate independence (going out for a ride without me).
  • We committed to action and accomplished our goal. 
  • It brought us closer together (this was my favorite, obviously). I love that you see the  boys roasting me in the video above. 

We have used this same goal setting format for many things, including art, financial literacy (I had them create an envelope system), and mindfulness/movement practices.  Please get creative and adapt the worksheet, it's should be a tool that works WITH your family, not causes more friction. You can buy the bundle here

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