Transitions can be hard. Routines are comfortable because they create predictable outcomes, new routines push you out of your comfort zone. Sometimes the impact is unnoticeable, and other times it is highly disruptive to your life. If you want to learn to navigate transitions better, you need to become aware of the impact it has on you.
The Stress Less Back to School webinar will teach you to easy to use tools to identify how stress is impacting you, helping you select the right tools to reduce stress, so you can return to a calm, balanced state.
Sign up for our email list below to be notified of the next time we will be holding this event.
"WOAH! The stress thermometer is so illuminating. I didn't realize that my baseline was ACTUALLY pretty stressed, this whole time, I thought I was pretty calm. AND it helped me see that as stress goes up, I wasn't taking care of myself that well. With this one tool, I feel much more equipped to manage stress now."
AWARENESS is key - it is the FIRST step to reducing stress.
When I look back at the times I was overwhelmed the most, I was taking care of everyone and everything around me... except for me. I was full of anxiety, I was short-fused, and everything seemed to fall apart at the most inopportune times.
I couldn't catch stress early, because I had NO IDEA what low intensity stress looked like for me. I lacked awareness.
In this webinar, we'll be focusing on:
➢ The neurobiology of stress
➢ Cultivating awareness of YOUR stress responses
➢ Identifying resources to reduce stress responses